chimiko peeling

Chemical Peeling

It is a treatment that helps with different skin irregularities, such as acne scars and discolorations while at the same time improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, the signs of photoaging and promotes new collagen and elastin growth.

An acid solution is applied on the skin surface to remove the damaged outer layers. This results in new, regenerated skin, improved wrinkles and smoothen texture.
There are three basic types of chemical peels:
The epidermis: removes the surface layer of the skin.
The middle: removes superficial layers of the skin along with lower layer of the skin.
The deep: reaches the lower layer of the skin.
Depending on individual needs and the skin type, the peels used are these, such as alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, Jessner solution, mandelic acid, TCA.

• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Discolorations and age spots
• Acne and acne scars
• Sagging skin
• Blurred skin appearance
• Excessive oiliness and sebum production

• Makeup, pollutant and sebum removal
• A specific chemical solution will be applied, depending on individual needs and for a defined time
• Application of calming and soothing products is followed

Depending on individual needs and the type of chemical peel, a corresponding cycle of treatments will be defined. Overall, for superficial peels more sessions are recommended than the deeper ones. Next treatment is usually advised after one month.

Depending on the type of peel used, a mild redness and burn sensation may appear. In the next few days, you will probably have a feeling of tightness and the skin will start to peel as the new, regenerated skin will take its place.

• It is advised to use gentle cleansing products. Avoid hot water and avoid rubbing the skin with towel
• Avoid any skin peel products at home for at least 2 weeks
• Moisturise the skin regularly
• It is advised not to use makeup the first few days after treatment
• It is advised not to use hot tubes, saunas and intense heat exposure
• Avoid picking and pulling up the old skin during peeling process
• Avoid hair removal or other laser treatments
• Personal hygiene is very important (clean hands, clean towels and bed linen)

It is important to avoid a direct sunlight after chemical peeling. The best season is between October and April. The exception is Mandelic acid, which has been described as Summer Peeling, as it is not aggressive on the skin.



