Pico Laser

Pico Laser uses pulse durations of less than 1 nanosecond. Traditional nanosecond lasers are mainly based on the photothermal action transferring heat to both, tattoo pigment and the surrounding tissue. Pico laser selectively destroys the targeted pigment into tiny particles that are easily eliminated from the body, without damaging healthy, normal tissue. This allows rapid clearing of the abnormal pigmentation with minimal collateral damage to surrounding tissue. So, minimal contact with the skin and no recovery time.
Also, this laser treats at three wavelengths: 532nm, 755nm, and 1064 nm, making it ideal for treatment of pigmentary conditions, acne and surgical scars, skin texture improvement and skin regeneration.
The number of sessions will be estimated depending on the colors of the tattoo, the amount of pigment and skin type. Also, depending on the area of the body that has been tattooed (i.e., the neck needs fewer sessions than the arms). Overall, 4-8 sessions are required with an interval of at least 4 weeks between them.

Dark spots, sunspots or hyperpigmentation are formed by melanocytes with the over production of melanin in the skin and the action of certain enzymes. A minimum duration of the pulse penetrates into the pigment of the skin. The energy, produced as a sound wave, gently disrupts the pigment particles, which later will be naturally eliminated from the body.

All skin types.
It is always depending on individual needs. An average cycle of 1-3 sessions with an interval of 4-6 weeks.

A mild redness may occur which subsides in few hours.

Before and after treatment tips

• Avoid sun exposure
• Apply daily sunscreen with high SPF protection
• Keep the skin hydrated



