Fractional Erbium Glass Laser

It is a non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment that refreshes and rejuvenates skin appearance. It has a significant improvement of acne scars, also removes superficial wrinkles, reverses age pigments and improves skin tone and texture.

This laser breaks up its laser beam into a grid of tiny beams that create microscopic injuries to the top layer of skin. Because only a “fraction” of the skin is treated at the time, healing is quicker, and downtime is less. The micro injuries stimulate new collagen and elastin production for skin remodeling, smoothing texture, and thickness increases.

• acne scars
• surgical scars
• stretch marks
• wrinkles
• age pigments
• melasma treatment
• skin rejuvenation

A mild sunburn sensation is expected to appear on the treated area. The redness will gradually subside within 2 to 3 days and may be followed by a mild peeling. The procedure involves removing the surface of old, damaged skin causing the deeper layers of skin to grow a new epidermis with increased amounts of collagen, giving the skin an improvement of wrinkles, acne scars and a more youthful appearance. The result of the treatment will be completed within 2-3 months.

Overall, it is easily tolerated treatment; however, an anesthetic cream may be applied on the treated area.

A mild sunburn sensation is expected to appear on the treated area, which can last up to one day. A mild peeling is expected to appear over next days. The procedure involves removing the surface of old, damaged skin causing the deeper layers of skin to grow a new epidermis with increased amounts of collagen, giving the skin an improvement of wrinkles, acne scars and a more youthful appearance. It is advised to use sunscreen with high SPF protection.
Can be used as a single therapy. For persistent problems, a cycle of 2-4 treatments with intervals of 4-8 weeks can be advised.

On the following next days after treatment the skin looks healthier, glowing and refreshed. The skin renewal is completed within 2-3 months. It results in smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin tone and texture, and repairing of acne scars.

  • any skin infections
  • cold sore infection( for face treatment)
  • for people with scleroderma, dermatography and vitiligo disorders
  • for people that use isotretinoin (Roaccutane)

It is suitable for people who want to improve and restore the skin texture, acne scars and stretch marks. Also, a great treatment from the age of 30’ for skin rejuvenation, wrinkles and discoloration improvement.



